Remodeling of Hull Form and Calculation of Design Parameters using Cubic Composite Spline

3차 복합 스플라인을 이용한 선형의 리모델링 및 설계 파라메터 계산

  • 손혜종 (삼성중공업 조선해양연구소) ;
  • 김현철 (삼성중공업 조선해양연구소)
  • Published : 2008.12.31


This paper deals with a method calculating various hull form parameters which are required in numerical analysis for ship performance such as motion, maneuverability, resistance and propulsion, etc. After the hull form is designed, before the model tests the ship's performances are evaluated by various analysis tools in which the hull form parameters are used with many kinds of forms aside from offset data. Here, The hull form parameters characterize the properties of hull form and contain positional, differential and integral information implicitly. Generally, the commercial CAD-system has not functions enough for supporting these form parameters and therefore each shipyard uses its own in-house analysis program as well as commercial analysis software. To overcome these limitations, modules for supporting these analysis programs have developed. The modules contain cubic composite spline cure using local curve fairing, intersect algorithm, Gaussian integral, and other geometric techniques needed in calculating hull form parameters. Using our analysis-supporting modules, a complex hull form can be remodeled exactly to the hull form designed by CAD-system and any hull form parameter required in various performance analyses can be calculated.



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