ISO9000 Certification Effect: Evidence from China

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


As a sign of international quality system, ISO9000 certification has been adopted by more and more enterprises. In recent five years, there have been 560,000 certified companies in Europe and America, and there have been more than 390,000 ones in China. It has being attracted many quality scholars' attentions whether ISO9000 certification can bring more benefits to certified companies or not. This paper investigates the ISO9000 certification effect on market performance by the samples from Chinese list companies in shanghai stock exchange. Considering ISO9000 certification as an event, a certification effect model will be set up by means of the event study method, which takes abnormal return rate as a basic indicator to measure the ISO9000 certification effect on Chinese market performance in different event times. Investigation results show that the Chinese certified companies have some positive effects on market performance in the short term. From a long standpoint, the relation between certification and performance has a positive trend.



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