연약지반상에 축조된 저수지 제방의 과잉공극수압 예측

Prediction of Excess Pore Water Pressure of Reservoir Embankment on Soft Ground

  • 민학규 (한국농촌공사) ;
  • 이달원 (충남대학교 농업생명과학대학 지역환경토목)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


A theoretical equation was proposed to consider the effect of ponding for the excess pore water pressure in agricultural reservoir on soft clay ground. The value of excess pore water pressure predicted using the proposed equation was compared to those predicted with the Terzaghi's method and the finite difference method(FDM), respectively, for the purpose of verification. The degree of consolidation according to ponding predicted by applying the proposed equation was close to the observed degree of consolidation on the double drainage condition(at DP-3) but it was less than the observed degree of consolidation on the single drainage condition(at DP-5). The equation was very applicable to practice because the analysis result by the equation was close to the observed data.



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피인용 문헌

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