Growth Characteristics According to Sowing Season and Seedling Duration of Perila of Perila(Perila Frutesces BRITTON var, Japonica HARA)

파종기 및 육묘기간에 따른 들깨의 생육 특성

  • Chung, Chan-Sun (Life Science and Natural Resources College, Sangji University)
  • 정찬선 (상지대학교 생명자원과학대학)
  • Published : 2008.02.27


This experiment was conducted at Sangji university in Wonju, Korea from 2005 to 2006. The results obtained were summarized as follow; The Chung-ju local variety was tested to find out the possibility of transplanting of seedling as a after-barley crop. When transplanting of seedling for a after-barley crop was test, this short-day plant flowered from september 1 to september 3, showing no connection with sowing time nor seedling periods. The yield of seeds per 10a was affected by both the sowing time and the seedling periods and its peak in the plots sowed on May 15 and transplanted on June 24(40 days seedling).

들깨품종은 지방종인 충주 종을 공시하여 육묘이식에 의한 맥 후작 재배 가능성을 검토하여 얻어진 결과를 보면 맥 후작 육묘 이식 시험에 있어서는 파종기와 육묘일수에 관계없이 9월 1일부터 9월 3일 내에 모두 개화하는 단일성 작물임을 알 수 있었고, 10a당 종실수량은 5월 15일 파종에 6월 24일(40일 육묘) 이식함이 최고에 달하였다.



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