가족자원경영의 관점에서 본 코칭(Coaching)의 적용가능성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Plausible Application of Coaching in the Field of Family Resource Management

  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


This study aimed to explore the plausible application of Coaching in the major of family resource management. For this purpose, first, this study reviewed the historical background of the coaching. In the contents, the concepts and principles of coaching were identified. Second, The recent application of coaching to the various areas such as finns, centers, occupation and the academical fields in Korea as well other countries were investigated. Finally, this study connected the nature and emphasis of the family resource management with the philosophy of coaching, which focuses on the internal strength of his/their own change and development in an/a individual/organization. Also, the process of family resource management and coaching models which were regarded as the similar ones in the phases consisted of situation perception, exploring alternatives, planning, implementing and feedback. On the basis of these contexts, this study suggested the plausible classes applied coaching which are able to be introduced in the under-graduated and graduated courses.



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