Effects of Chemical Additives Containing Al and Ca on Volatile Fatty Acids and Nitrogen Contents of Litter

Al과 Ca을 함유한 화학제재의 첨가가 깔짚내 휘발성 지방산과 질소 함량에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2008.02.28


The objectives of this study were conducted to determine the effects of two chemical amendments on volatile fatty acids (VFA) and nitrogen contents in poultry litter after broiler chicks were raised in poultry houses for 6 weeks. Two different additives were applied as a top dressing to the litter at a rate of $AlCl_3{\cdot}6H_2O$ (200 g)+$CaCO_3$ (50 g) or Alum (200 g)+$CaCO_3$ (50 g)/kg of rice bran; untreated litter served as controls. Application of $AlCl_3+CaCO_3$ and Alum+$CaCO_3$ reduced total VFA contents by 67% and 51% at 6 weeks, respectively, compard to the control groups. The decrease in litter pH with two chemical treatments results in decreased proportion of VFA and increased nitrogen contents of the litter. These results indicate that treating $AlCl_3+CaCO_3$ and Alum+$CaCO_3$ to poultry litter offers the potential for reducing an environmental impact.



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