Detection of QTL on Bovine X Chromosome by Exploiting Linkage Disequilibrium

  • 투고 : 2007.08.22
  • 심사 : 2007.11.11
  • 발행 : 2008.05.01


A fine-mapping method exploiting linkage disequilibrium was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) on the X chromosome affecting milk production, body conformation and productivity traits. The pedigree comprised 22 paternal half-sib families of Black-and-White Holstein bulls in the Netherlands in a grand-daughter design for a total of 955 sons. Twenty-five microsatellite markers were genotyped to construct a linkage map on the chromosome X spanning 170 Haldane cM with an average inter-marker distance of 7.1 cM. A covariance matrix including elements about identical-by-descent probabilities between haplotypes regarding QTL allele effects was incorporated into the animal model, and a restricted maximum-likelihood method was applied for the presence of QTL using the LDVCM program. Significance thresholds were obtained by permuting haplotypes to phenotypes and by using a false discovery rate procedure. Seven QTL responsible for conformation types (teat length, rump width, rear leg set, angularity and fore udder attachment), behavior (temperament) and a mixture of production and health (durable prestation) were detected at the suggestive level. Some QTL affecting teat length, rump width, durable prestation and rear leg set had small numbers of haplotype clusters, which may indicate good classification of alleles for causal genes or markers that are tightly associated with the causal mutation. However, higher maker density is required to better refine the QTL position and to better characterize functionally distinct haplotypes which will provide information to find causal genes for the traits.



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