완속여과 공정에서 표층 생물막 생성 및 제어와 원인조류 규명

Analysis and effectiveness of biological thin Layer (Schmutzdecke) on the sand surface in slow sand filtration processes

  • 투고 : 2007.06.07
  • 심사 : 2007.12.10
  • 발행 : 2008.06.15


Because of their simplicity, efficiency, and economy, slow sand filters are appropriate means of water treatment for small water systems. Biological activity within the sand bed have the strongest influence on removal efficiency of pollutants by slow sand filtration. This report investigated the microorganisms(algae) of slow sand filtration pilot plant at Y water treatment plant. Data were collected at inflow and slow sand filtration from May to October, 2007. The results indicated that the light exposure was influenced on microorganism in slow sand filtration according to the formation of algal biofilm. The relative contribution of biomass and accumulated particulates to head loss development in slow sand filters requires further study.



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