대복, Gomphina veneriformis의 생존 및 저질 잠입성에 미치는 TBTCl의 독성

Tributyltin chloride (TBTCl) toxicity on the survival rate and burrowing activity of the equilateral venus, Gomphina veneriformis (Bivalvia: Veneridae)

  • 박정준 (전남대학교 수산해양대학 수산생명의학과) ;
  • 진영국 (전남대학교 수산해양대학 수산생명의학과) ;
  • 이정식 (전남대학교 수산해양대학 수산생명의학과)
  • Park, Jung-Jun (Department of Aqualife Medicine, College of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Jin, Young-Guk (Department of Aqualife Medicine, College of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Jung-Sick (Department of Aqualife Medicine, College of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Chonnam National University)
  • 발행 : 20080400


This study was conducted to find out biological responses of bivalves exposed to organotin compound.The results of the study confirmed that tribultyltin chloride (TBTCl) induce reduction of survival rate andburrowing activity, and histopathological feature in the foot structure of the equilateral venus, Gomphinaveneriformis. The experimental period was 36 weeks. The experimental groups consisted of a control and 3TBTCl exposure groups (0.4, 0.6, 0.8 ym TBTCl L'). The survival rate and burrowing activity were record-ed daily. For histological analysis, foot tissues were fixed in Bouin' s fluid and then stained H-E stain, AB-PAS (PH 2.5) reaction and Masson's trichrome stain after having serially sectioned the tissue by paraffinmethod at thickness of 4-6 ym. The survival rate was not significantly different between the control andexposure groups for 20 weeks, but in 0.8 Um TBTCl L', it was on the decreased ever since the exposure. Theburrowing activity was not significantly different in the exposure group compared to the control up to 12weeks, but in 0.6 and 0.8 ym TBTCl L', it measured the lowest level after 20 weeks. The foot is composedof the epidermal layer, connective tissue, and muscular layer. The epidermal layer is composed of simplecolumnar, cuboidal epithelia and mucous cells. The cilia were well developed on the apical surface ofepithelium, Circular, longitudinal and transverse muscle bundle were well developed in the muscular layer.The majority mucous cells showed blue color (542c) when it subjected to AB-PAS (PH 2.5) reaction. Nohistopathological alterations in the foot were observed up to 12 weeks. After 20 weeks of exposure to 0.8 (anTBTCl L'', the foot samples of exposed G. veneriformis showed disappearance of cilia and striated borderpartially and extension of hemolymph sinus. The mucous cell increased in the marginal of foot. At 28-weekof exposure to 0.4 ym TBTCl L', it observed weekly acid (564c), neutral (264c) and mixed mucous cell. At36-week of exposure to 0.6 ym TBTCl L', it showed fragmentation of the muscle and collagen fiber bundle,and also diappearance of cilia on epithelia and edema of epithelium in 0.8 ym TBTCl L''.



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