Purpose: Fewer than 100 cases of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma have been reported in the literature since this entity was initially described by Keasbey in 1953 who called it calcifying juvenile aponeurotic fibroma. The tumor is a slowly growing, painless mass. In most cases the mass is poorly circumscribed and causes neither discomfort nor limitation of movement. Most lesions occur in children, with a peak incidence ages of 8-14 years. There is no evidence of any increased familial prevalence. Predilection sites are palm, finger, toe, but it also occurs in the wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, neck, abdominal wall, lumbar paravertebral area, leg and ankle. We herein describe a rare case of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma occurring on the chin with review of the literature. Methods: A 14-year-old male had painless, slowly growing mass(${\phi}2.5cm$) on a chin for a year. The tumor was excised elliptically under local anesthesia and the excisional site was repaired directly. Due pathological examination was processed. Results: Histological examination revealed an illdefined fibrous growth that extends with multiple processes into the surrounding tissue with centrally located foci of calcification. The tumor is composed of short spindled plump fibroblasts with round or ovoid nuclei separated by collagenous stroma, showing vaguely palisading pattern. Diagnosis of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma was conferred. Postoperatively, the patient did well, and the lesion had not recurred. Conclusion: Fewer than 100 cases of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma have been reported in the literature. The most common occurring sites are palm, finger & toe, but it has been reported in the wrist, forearm, elbow, upper arm, neck, abdominal wall, lumbar paravertebral area, leg and ankle. Two cases of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma occurring on the neck have been reported in the literature. To the authors knowledge, our case of calcifying aponeurotic fibroma occurring on the chin is the first to be reported.