한국인 남성 운전자의 운전 자세에서 발생하는 몸통 처짐 현상에 관한 예측 모델 연구

Prediction of Postural Sagging Observed During Driving in Korean Male Drivers

  • 오영택 (고려대학교 산업시스템정보공학과) ;
  • 정의승 (고려대학교 정보경영공학부) ;
  • 박성준 (남서울대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 정성욱 (고려대학교 산업시스템정보공학과)
  • Oh, Youngtaek (Department of Industrial System and Information Engineering, Korea University) ;
  • Jung, Eui S. (Division of Information Management Engineering, Korea University) ;
  • Park, Sungjoon (Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Namseoul University) ;
  • Jeong, Seong Wook (Department of Industrial System and Information Engineering, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


In the vehicle design, the research on driving posture has stood out as one of the important issues. Recently, the research on 3D human modeling focused on more exact implementation of real driving posture. However, prediction of driving posture through the 3D human modeling fail to reflect on the model the phenomenon called sagging, which refers to the retraction or shrinking of the torso while driving. 30 male subjects participated in the experiment where total subjects were divided into four groups according to height percentile(under 50%ile, 51%ile to 75%ile, 76%ile to 95%ile, over 95%ile). The independent variables were seat back angle(4 levels) and seat pan angle(2 levels). The dependent variable was capacity or the degree of retraction of the torso. First this study measured the sagging capacity by using a paired T-test between erect and retracted posture. Secondly it was tried to find out significant anthropometric variables that were statistically correlated by the analysis of correlation. Finally, a prediction model was derived which explains the capacity of sagging.



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