The Effects of Age and Information Processing Style on Abilities of Young Children to Understand Spatial Coordinates

유아의 정보처리양식과 연령이 공간좌표인식능력에 미치는 영향

  • Oh, Mee-Hyeong (Department of Child Studies, The Catholic University of Daegu)
  • 오미형 (대구가톨릭대학교 아동학과)
  • Published : 2008.11.30


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of young children's age and information processing style in understanding spatial coordinates. For sampling the subjects of this study, Korean version K-ABC Intelligence Test(Moon, Soo-Back, 1997)was conducted with 165 children aged 5-6 who were attending I and G kindergarten in D city. From this pool 30 children who possessed sequential processing style and 30 children who possessed simultaneous processing style were sampled. In order to analyze the understanding of spatial coordinates, a test tool was formulated according to methodology of Blades & Spencer(1989) which was modified. Acquired data was subjected to descriptive and comparative statistical analysis. The following conclusions were arrived at: Firstly, there was significant difference between 5-year-olds and 6-year-olds in understanding spatial coordinates. The 6-year-old group got statistically higher grades than the 5-year-old group in locating a point on the coordinate plane and reading the coordinate numbers. Secondly, there was significant difference between children's information processing style in understanding spatial coordinate. Children with high simultaneous-low sequential processing showed higher performance in locating a point on the coordinate plane and reading coordinate numbers than children with high sequential-low simultaneous processing. Thirdly, after verifying statistical significance of interactivity between young children's age and children's processing strength, there was significant interactive effects in both tasks.



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