Raw 264.7 세포에서 유해산소 생성에 미치는 Caffeic Acid의 영향

Effect of Caffeic Acid on the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species in Raw 264.7 Cells

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


To investigate effect of caffeic acid on the intracellular reactive oxygen species production, we used DHE for intracellular superoxide anion production, DCF for intracellular ${H_2}{O_2}$ production and DHR for intracellular hydroperoxide production in Raw 264.7 cells. DPPH assay showed that antioxidant activity of caffeic acid with 39.5 ${\mu}M$ of ${IC}_{50}$ values was similar to that of ascorbic acid with 41.3 ${\mu}M$ of ${IC}_{50}$ values. Caffeic acid dose-dependently inhibited silica-induced ${H_2}{O_2}$ and hydroperoxide production but did not affect superoxide anion production in Raw 264.7 cells, which suggest that antioxidant effect of caffeic acid acts on the post-step of superoxide anion. On the other hand, caffeic acid showed a potent antioxidant effect in $lCuSO_4$-induced lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, plasma superoxide dismutase activity (3.43${\pm}$0.23 U/ml) in 10 mg/kg caffeic acid-fed mice was significantly higher than that (2.32${\pm}$0.24 U/ml) of control. From the above results, it is referred that caffeic acid appears to have potent anti-oxidant activity in both cell system and in vivo system.



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