Hydrodynamics of submersible aquaculture cage system using numerical model

  • Kim, Tae-Ho (Faculty of Marine Technology, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Fredriksson, David W. (Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, United States Naval Academy) ;
  • Decew, Judson (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of New Hampshire)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.29


A numerical model analysis was performed to analyze the motion and mooring tension response of submersible fish cage systems in irregular waves and currents. Two systems were examined: a submersible cage mooring with a single, high tension mooring and the same system, but with an additional three point mooring. Using a Morison equation type model, simulations of the systems were conducted with the cage at the surface and submerged. Irregular waves(JONSWAP spectrum) with and without a co-linear current with a magnitude of 0.5m/s were simulated into the model as input parameters. Surge, heave and pitch dynamic calculations were made, along with tension responses in the mooring lines. Results were analyzed in both the time and frequency domains and linear transfer functions were calculated.



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