내용분석을 이용한 농촌과 산촌 마을홈페이지 체험경관 사진앨범 비교

Comparison between Landscape Photographic Albums in the Webpages of Agriculture and Mountain Villages Using a Content Analysis

  • 이덕재 (상지대학교 산림과학과) ;
  • 이종성 (상지대학교 친환경식물학부)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.30


This study aims to compare the revealed activities of visitors to rural tourism villages through photographic album in the internet homepage, and to give a suggestion for building new homepage showing the differences in mountain eco-tourism village. According to the different types of village development projects, photographs in internet homepage were analysed in order to compare the centered activities of visitors to agriculture and mountain tourism villages. Landscape types such as natural landscape, agricultural landscape, and village living landscape were classified to execute a content analysis on photographic album in the homepage. Reliability of the analysis between coder was achieved as 0.81. Results were summarized as follows. Firstly, village identity of homepage was mostly determined by the characteristics of internet portal involved. Secondly, adults were revealed as main subjects of tourism activities in mountain village, whereas lots of children were involved in agricultural village. Thirdly, natural landscape was used as a place of activities in mountain village, while village living landscape was photographed as a main background. It was suggested that the photographs revealing activities with children in the background of natural landscape should be uploaded to show the identity of mountain village regardless of the characteristics of internet portal.



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