행정정보 공동 활용의 현황과 성과에 관한 연구

An Analysis of Public Agencies' Sharing Administrative Information: Current Status and Future Prospects

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


The development of IT has contributed a lot to enhancing administrative efficiency. In particular, it enabled administrative agencies to be able to upgrade the effects and efficiency of public services by saving unnecessary time, labor, and equipment that might surely occur in delivering routine services in repetition. As the concept of governance and knowledge-based administration assumes a pivotal value in the 21 century administrative innovation, sharing information among agencies is a key to building effective governance system. However, current extent of sharing information in public agencies is below the level of expectation and thus the need exists for the steps to making information shared more widely and effectively among public agencies. This paper gives a snap shot on the extant status of information sharing among public agencies and seeks ways to facilitate it from the perspective of electrical government.
