Research on Actual Conditions of Unemployed Women in Gangwon Province for Development and Utilization of Womanpower

여성인력의 개발과 활용을 위한 실태조사 - 강원도 미취업여성을 중심으로 -

  • 손진현 (선문대학교 경영학부) ;
  • 이갑숙 (강원도여성정책개발센터 정책개발부)
  • Published : 2008.12.31


We conducted a survey to investigate the actual conditions of work experience, job-hunting, vocational training for unemployed women. The motivation of the study is that the conditions of unemployed women can serve as an important data in developing and utilizing womanpower. We can see that maintaining a balanced work-family life is the major obstacle against developing and utilizing womanpower, so it needs to be solved firstly. Secondly, vocational training system should satisfy the demand of business and conduct unemployed women to employment after training. Thirdly, political support is needed to make social service jobs that women of every class can participate in.
