대학생이 선호하는 거실의 실내 디자인 특성에 관한 연구 - 거실의 실내 색채, 이미지, 스타일을 중심으로 -

A Study on Preference of University Students for Interior Design Characteristics of Living Room - Focused on Color, Image and Style in Interior Design of Living Room -

  • 정윤혜 (상명대학교 대학원 주거환경학) ;
  • 신화경 (상명대학교 소비자주거학)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


Modern people come to have high standard and variety need for the oneself expression these days. This phenomenon also, appears in the house space clearly. There are design characteristics in an element expressing a lifestyle and personality in the house space and a living room is the space that is important at time to do a design characteristics plan. Therefore, this study is going to analyze the design characteristics of the apartment house which is a representative house type these days. Concretely, there are design characteristics that a color, an Image, a style. This study used questionary survey from June 10, 2008 to July 9. The color analyzed a color and tone through a color palette of PCIS and the living room image used SD(semantic differential method) method by a concrete analysis method. The result of the analysis were as follows; 1) Various colors and tone were prefer in a house future than the house where lived in. 2) It was done prefer to 'comfort' image for the future living room image in the future but 'provocative' image and 'splendid' were not done a choice 3) A 'modern style' was done prefer to of with a house living room style in the future.



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