A comparative study on the spatial hierarchy by the form of the basestone in ancient architecture between Baekje, Silla and Japan

고대 백제.신라.일본의 초석 형태에 따른 공간위계 비교연구

  • 한욱 (홍익대학교 대학원, 국립문화재연구소)
  • Published : 2008.12.31


The basestone is a kind of foundation part of the building and can be said to deliver the loads from the upper part to ground. It is the explanation of structural role for the basestone. But the basestone has been used as the decorative element in a building. So this study is on design of the basestone. First the type division can be studied as form of the basestones. Also the investigation of development aspect of them needs to as times and the spatial characteristics. Another goal of this study is on the design characteristics of the basestone from the comparison to the basestone in ancient Japan was initiated in the architectural technology from Korea. The results are as follows. In Baekje rectangular basestones were used in static space for ceremony and circular ones were used in dynamic space for life. Also the basestones with joojwa(smoothing surface for sitting on column) were used for accessory buildings rather than main. In Silla the same type of basestone was made in a temple but according to hierarchy of buildings the sizes of them seem to have been different. The other side in Japan carved basestones were for the main buildings and for the accessory natural stones were used to. According to the hierarchy of the buildings the kinds of stones were different.



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