A Study on a Brand Personality Effect on a Corporate Image

브랜드개성이 기업이미지에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2008.12.30


This study examines the effect of brand personality on consumer's attitude. Previous research has suggested that the greater the congruity between consumer personalities and brand personalities, the greater the preference for the brand. However, empirical explorations of this hypothesis revealed that the congruity between consumer personalities and brand personalities is limitedly related, if ever, to the preference for the brand. It is partly because of the views of the previous researchers who considered human personality as a uni-dimensional concept, and partly because of the lack of consensus regarding what brand personality really is. This study examines the relative effect of brand personality on company image. In this study, brand personality is represented by the 'Big Five' factors - Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, Sophistication and Ruggedness - which were suggested by Jennifer Aaker.



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