새둥지화를 통한 청소년의 부모애착수준 타당화 연구

The Validation of the Estimate Adolescents' Parents Attachment level by the Bird's Nest Drawings

  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


The purpose of this study was to verify whether BND test was an appropriate tool for diagnosis of attachment security and to investigate difference of responsive Characteristics to the Bird's Nest Drawings according to parents attachment degree. The subjects in the study were 525 students, selected from senior high schools in D-city. The instruments used were parents attachment scale and Bird's Nest Drawings, and Discriminant analyses and crosstab analyses were used. The results were as follows. First, attachment indicators in the Bird's Nest Drawings discriminated according to group of parents attachment. Second, for male student, there was a significant difference placement nest, eggs, entire birds family, quality of line and tree picture according to attachment to father. For female student, there was a significant difference eggs, entire birds family, quality of line and tree picture according to attachment to father. For male student, there was a significant difference nest contents, placement nest, eggs, entire birds family, quality of line and tree picture according to attachment to mother. For female student, placement nest, space, nest size, eggs, entire birds family and quality of line according to attachment to mother.



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