전자기 교반한 알루미늄합금 빌렛의 재가열시 고액공존구역에서의 조직변화

Microstructural Evolution of Electromagnetically Stirred Al alloy Billet During Isothermal Reheating at the Solid-liquid State

  • 이덕영 (한국과학기술연구원 기능금속연구센터)
  • Lee, Dock-Young (Division of Materials, Korea Institute of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 2008.05.20


The reheating stage of electromagnetically stirred Al billet is a critical factor in the thixoforming process. When reheated to the solid-liquid state, the microstructure evolves to a more globular and more homogeneous structure by a coarsening mechanism, the kinetics depending on the initial microstructure. Microstructural evolution has been characterized by conventional parameters (mean size of particle and shape factor) as a function of holding time in the solid-liquid state. The aim of this study is to report experimental results concerning microstructural evolution in the solid-liquid state of electromagnetically stirred Al billet. The material was elaborated in the form of continuously cast bars solidified with electromagnetic stirring to degenerate the dendritic structure. The choice of the reheating conditions is determined by a dendritic ripening and coalescence mechanism, involving variations of both the shape and size of the particles. The reheating time has to be long enough to allow a minimum degree of spheroidizing, but has to be limited as much as possible in order to avoid excessive ripening. The optimum microstructure was obtained at the reheating temperature of near $584^{\circ}C$ and the holding time of 5 min. The only means of combining high productivity with good casting quality was to use feedstock billets whose microstructure showed rapid transformation characteristics.



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