신재생에너지 (New & Renewable Energy)
- 제4권4호
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- Pages.23-29
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- 2008
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- 1738-3935(pISSN)
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- 2713-9999(eISSN)
Application of Neural Network for Long-Term Correction of Wind Data
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(한국에너지기술연구원 풍력발전연구단)
- Vaas, Franz (University of Stuttgart Dipl.-Ing.) ;
Kim, Hyun-Goo
(Korea Institute of Energy Research)
- 발행 : 2008.12.25
Wind farm development project contains high business risks because that a wind farm, which is to be operating for 20 years, has to be designed and assessed only relying on a year or little more in-situ wind data. Accordingly, long-term correction of short-term measurement data is one of most important process in wind resource assessment for project feasibility investigation. This paper shows comparison of general Measure-Correlate-Prediction models and neural network, and presents new method using neural network for increasing prediction accuracy by accommodating multiple reference data. The proposed method would be interim step to complete long-term correction methodology for Korea, complicated Monsoon country where seasonal and diurnal variation of local meteorology is very wide.