Nutrition Management Examined by Plate Waste Measurement - A Comparison with Elementary Schools and Middle Schools in the Changwon Area -

잔반량 조사에 의한 창원지역 일부 초.중학교 급식의 영양관리 실태 비교

  • Published : 2008.12.30


The purpose of this study was to examine nutrition management conditions of lunch with the elementary schools and middle schools in the Changwon area. 292 students (5th and 6th graders) from three elementary schools and 330 students from three middle schools (boys, girls, and co-ed) participated in the aggregate selective plate waste measurement for 5 days. Planned menus, serving sizes and plate waste amount data were collected. Nutrient analyses for the planned, served and consumed menus at school lunches were performed by using CAN-PRO 3.0. Nutrient analyses of the planned, served and consumed menus were compared with nutrient management standard (former edition) for school lunch and 1/3 Korean Dietary Reference Intakes (KDRIs). Significant difference was found in the average consumption rate between the elementary schools (82.2%) and the middle schools (71.8%). Specifically, the consumption rates of steamed rice (p < 0.001), side dish 1 (p < 0.001), and Kimchi (p < 0.01) at the middle schools were significantly lower than those of the elementary schools. When the nutrient contents in the served menus were put into percentages to the nutrient contents in the planned menus, middle schools (92.3%) showed bigger serving loss than the elementary schools (95.4%). In the nutrient assessment comparied with nutrient management standard (former edition), middle school lunches showed comparatively less energy or less some nutrient contents against the standard than the elementary school lunches. Specifically, in case of boys in middle schools, Vitamin C was the only nutrient content that satisfied the standard in the planned menus, served menus and consumed menus. In the 1/3 KDRIs based assessment, middle schoolers were found not to be provided proper nutrients with school lunches. To improve nutrition management at middle school foodservices, dietitians should reinforce nutrient assessment for menu planning, and try to decrease serving loss and plate waste.



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