Cyclic Hardening and Degradation Effects on Site Response during an Earthquake

지진시 지반의 반복경화/연화 현상에 의한 부지응답 특성 영향 연구

  • Published : 2008.12.31


A one-dimensional site response analysis program (KODSAP) was developed using cyclic soil behavior model by using the modified parallel IWAN model. The model is able to predict the cyclic hardening and degradation of soil through the adjustment of the internal slip stresses of its elements beyond the cyclic threshold, and satisfies Bauschinger's effect and the Masing rule in terms of its own behavior characteristics. The program (KODSAP) used the direct integration method in the time domain. The elasticity of the base rock was considered as a viscous damper boundary condition. The effects of cyclic hardening or degradation of soil on site response analysis were evaluated through parametric studies. Three types of analyses were performed to compare the effect of analysis and cyclic parameter on site response. The first type was equivalent linear analysis, the second was nonlinear analysis, and a third was nonlinear analysis using the cyclic hardening or degradation model.

본 논문에서는 반복하중에 의한 반복 경화 및 연화 현상을 나타낼 수 있는 수정 IWAN 모델을 이용하여, 1차원 비선형 부지응답 해석프로그램(이하 KODSAP; Kaist One Dimensional Site-response Analysis Program)을 개발하였다. 개발된 프로그램은 지진하중 재하에 따른 지반의 반복경화 및 연화현상에 의한 부지응답 특성 변화를 재현할 수 있다. KODSAP을 이용하여 기반암 상부 40m인 모형지반의 반복경화 및 연화 정도, 지진가속도의 크기에 따른 부지응답특성 변화를 살펴 보았으며, 현재 실무에서 널리 적용되고 있는 등가선형, 비선형해석과 KODSAP 해석결과(지반의 반복경화 및 연화현상을 고려한)과의 차이점을 살펴 보았다.



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Cited by

  1. Seismic Response Characteristics of Layered Ground Considering Viscoelastic Effects of Clay vol.53, pp.3, 2011,