산처리가 펄프의 금속 이온 제거 및 백색도에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Acid Treatment on the Removal of Metal Ions and the Brightness of Pulp

  • Lee, Sung-Gyu (Industrial Materials Development Tech. Center, LG Chem) ;
  • Paik, Ki-Hyon (Division of Environmental Science and Ecological Engineering, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


This paper presents the effect of acid treatment on the removal of metals and the brightness of pulp. The bleached kraft pulps, metal-absorbed pulps and recycled pulps((ONP, OCC, MOW, and SC) were treated with the acidic solutions. Among metals in the bleached kraft pulps, Cu, Ca and Mg were removed easily by the acid washing, whereas Fe, Al and Si were not removed. The acid washing also removed distinctly metals from the metal-absorbed pulps. The metals absorbed in pulps reduced the brightness (%, ISO). Especially, Fe was the most detrimental metal. However, the brightness which was decreased by metals was restored to the status quo by the acid washing. The level of metals in recycled pulps was gradually reduced after the first flotation and acid treatment. Hence, the degree of metal removal by the acid washing was mainly dependent upon the kinds of waste pulps and metal ions.



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