- Presentations by ABI Research, Picochip, Airvana, IP.access, Gartner, Telefonica Espana, 2nd International Conference on Home Access Points and Femtocells, [Onlinel . Available: 7/purchase_presentations.htm
- Femtocell forum, ht세://
- V.Chandrasekhar and J.Andrews, 'Femtocell: Survey,' IEEE commun. Magazine , vol. 46, no. 9, pp. 59-67, September 2008
- 노미진, 김주성, '유무선 통합시대의 펨토셀 동향 및 비즈니스 모델,' 정보통신동향분석, 23권, 5호, 페이지 91-97 , 2008년 4월
- 신재승, 신연승, 김영진, '3GPP Home (e)NodeB 기술 동향,' IITA 주간기술동향, 통권 1336호, 페이지 1-14, 2008년 3월
- 이기호, 'FemtoOcell 기술동향 및 사업자 동향,' 제 2 회 차세대초소형 기지국 핵심기술 워크샵, 2008년 6월
- 3GPP TR 25.820 V8.2.0, '3G Home NodeB Study Item Technical Report,' September 2008
- 3GPP TR R3.020, 'Home (e)NodeB; Network aspects,' May 2008
- IEEE C80216m-08_1157r1, 'Proposed Updates to IEEE 802.16m System Requirements to Reflect Operators Requirements on Femtocells'
- IEEE C802.16m-07/171r1, 'Self organizing mechanism (SRD)'
- IEEE C802.16m-07/169, 'Self-configuration and self-optimization of 4G Radio Access Networks'
- 정정수, 최성호, 'LTE 초소형 기지,' 한국통신학회지(정보와 통신), 25권, 9호, 페이지 41-48, 2008년 8월
- H. Claussen, 'performance of Macro- and Co- channel Femtocells in a Hierarchical Cell Structure,' Proc. IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2007), vol 1, pp. 1-5, Athens, Greece, September, 2007
- H. Claussen, T. W. Lester and L. G. Samuel 'Self-optimization of Coverage for Femtocell Deployments,' Proc. Wireless Telecommunication Symposium 2008 (WTS 2008), vol 1, pp. 278-285, Ponoma, CA, U.S.A., April, 2008
- Y. Sung, N. Jeon, B, Yoon, J. Lee and S. Kim, 'Femtocell/Macrocell Interference Analysis for Mobile Wimax System,' Proc. 5th IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communication Symposium (APWCS 2008), vol. 1, Sendai, Japan, August 2008
- IEEE C802.16m-08/605r1, 'Interference Mitigation by Initial Configuration for Femtocell Access Points in IEEE802.16m Network'
- IEEE C802.16m-08/607r1, 'Dynamic Interference Mitigation for Femtocell Access Points in IEEE802.16m Network'
- V .Chandrasekhar and J.Andrews, 'Spectrum allocation in Two-Tier Networks,' [Online]. Available at