A Unified Approach to Exact, Approximate, Optimized and Decentralized Output Feedback Pole Assignment

  • Tarokh, Mahmoud (Department of Computer Science, San Diego State University)
  • 발행 : 2008.12.31


The paper proposes a new formulation of the output feedback pole assignment problem. In this formulation, a unified approach is presented for solving the pole assignment problem with various additional objectives. These objectives include optimizing a variety of performance indices, and imposing constraints on the output feedback matrix structure, e.g. decentralized structure. Conditions for the existence of the output feedback are discussed. However, the thrust of the paper is on the development of a convergent pole assignment algorithm. It is shown that when exact pole assignment is not possible, the method can be used to place the poles close to the desired locations. Examples are provided to illustrate the method.



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