Synthesis of High Purity Carbon Nano Fibers and Hydrogen from Propane Decomposition

  • Hussain, S.Tajammul (Centre for Nano Science and Technology, National Centre for Physics) ;
  • Gul, Sheraz (Centre for Nano Science and Technology, National Centre for Physics) ;
  • Mazhar, M. (Department of Chemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University) ;
  • Larachi, Faical (Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Laval)
  • 발행 : 2008.02.20


High purity carbon nano fibers/tubes (CNF/Ts) which contain 97% pure graphitic carbon are prepared by a new catalytic method. These carbon nano fibers/tubes are ready to use without any further purification. The striking feature of this method is the production of carbon nano fibers/tubes of narrow distribution range. The developed catalytic method also produces pure hydrogen. An additional advantage of this catalytic method is that catalyst can be reused without reactivation. Ni:Cu catalyst system is embodied into SCHOTT-DURAN filter disc of large pore size (40-100 mm). Due to the production of hydrogen in the reaction catalyst stability is enhanced and deactivation process is considerably slowed down.



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