보험의학회지 제27권 1호의 발간에 즈음하여...

At the time of issuing the Journal of Korean Life Insurance Medical Association volume 27(1)

  • 이신형 (SIS특종상해손해사정(주), 파라메딕)
  • 발행 : 2008.03.31


Korean life insurance medical association's public periodical, the Journal of Korean Life Insurance Medical association (J Kor Lif Ins Med Assoc, JKLIMA) is now published $27^{th}$ issue. From this issue there are some changes of the journal than before. It is because general requirements for medical journals from the Korean association of medical journals editors. It can be remedy for the development of JKLIMA, in terms of academicism. First, the style of the manuscripts, medical opinion of insurance administration is added. This style of manuscript needs not keep the format of original research article such as background, materials, results, and discussion. Secondly, It is emphasized that submitted manuscripts must be reviewed by peer reviewers. Thirdly, we will make an effort to globalization of our journal. Lastly the publication period has been changed from annual to biannual. The publication date will be at March 31st and September 30th every year.
