현대실내건축의 미장센적 특이성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Singularity of Mise en $sc{\acute{e}}ne$ in the Contemporary Interior Architecture

  • 발행 : 2008.10.31


This thesis sets out to study the immanent mechanism of architectural space which had been classified as external space in general. The mise en $sc{\acute{e}}ne$ could consider one among various immanent tools to deal with the singularity of interior architecture. An imaginary interrelationship between cinema and architecture offers a possibility which a mise en $sc{\acute{e}}ne$ could be used with a space making equipment. The mise en $sc{\acute{e}}ne$ is a conscious equipment to lead a meta-function of simple visual-perception. The mise en $sc{\acute{e}}ne$-space has been supposed to visual-perception cases and conscious cases in interior architecture. In particular, as a result of analysis, it becomes clear that the mise en $sc{\acute{e}}ne$-space is a kind of something signifer to expose designers's an abyss of conscious and unconscious. In my opinion, this is the very way that the contemporary interior architecture is exposed to its singularity by a mechanism of mise en $sc{\acute{e}}ne$-space. In conclusion, the psychoanalysis-frame of mise en $sc{\acute{e}}ne$-space has brought out any possibility of an interpretation about architectural immanent themes like a subject, meaning creation, and construction logic, and it has also been useful to reveal the architectural singularity.



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