젠더와 건강 : 성인지적 보건정책을 위한 시론

A Review on Gender and Health for Gender-Sensitive Health Policy

  • 천희란 (한양대학교 인구및고령사회연구소) ;
  • 정진주 (이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원)
  • 발행 : 2008.06.30


This review paper is to provide theoretical background and empirical evidence for gender sensitive health policy in Korea. We explore how sex and gender are implicated in health disparities. After reviewing major concepts regarding sex, gender, and health, the study moves on to describe the ways in which gender interacts with other social determinants (socioeconomic position, workplace, stress, social support, and violation) to show disparate health outcomes. Next, suggested health models considering gender and social process are introduced. The article concludes by suggesting the necessity of gender sensitive policy consorted with social programs in tackling health equity.



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