알코올 의존자 부인의 자서전 분석: 삶의 의미찾기

Meaning of Life in Wives of Alcoholics: Autobiographical Method

  • Cho, Sun-Hee (Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing, Hunter College of City University of New York, NY, USA)
  • 발행 : 2008.10.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe life-stories and meanings of life in wives of alcoholics by analyzing their autobiographies. Methods: Autobiographies were collected from 20 participants who produced their own autobiographies in the logotherapeutic autobiography program at community alcohol counseling centers in Korea. The data were coded to identify themes of agency and communion using the manual coding system developed by McAdams, and analyzed by the existential approach. Results: There were 214 coded episodes in twenty autobiographies. There were 128 agency themes and 86 communion themes. The most common themes were Love/Friendship. Five themes emerged from the autobiographical episodes on the existential perspective: 1) overcoming the suffering, 2) meaningful people and relationships, 3) spiritual maturation, 4) caring and helping, and 5) finding a meaning of life. Conclusion: These results showed that the wives of alcoholics who participated in the logotherapeutic autobiography program found the meaning of life through their suffering. Furthermore, a study on existential nursing interventions for people who have meaninglessness in life needs to be done.



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