A Study on Distribution Standardization through AMOS Analysis

AMOS 분석을 통한 물류효율화에 관한 고찰

  • 고재호 (한국컨테이너풀(주)) ;
  • 김태환 (명지대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 김석은 (명지대학교 산업경영공학과) ;
  • 강경식 (명지대학교 안전경영연구소)
  • Published : 2008.09.30


There are lack of labour and increase in logistics costs due to rapid change in logistics environments and the demand for logistics. The reality is that over spending on logistics costs are getting worse due to lack of logistics standardization. An example will be excessive logistics costs caused by unsatisfactory use of logistics equipments in wholesale markets. The logistics efficiency is falling due to delays in using logistics equipments and standardization. Therefore, there needs standardization of logistics functions and unit of handling in each stage from packing, unloading, storage, transporting, logistics information and needs logistics standardization on equipments, machineries used for the above. Standard unified with standardization is called specification and if standardization is applied broadly in manufacturing or processing, inspection than each process in terms of production can be managed rationally and labour skills will improve and product quality will be evenly maintained and compatability of each part in terms of assembly will be maintained thus materials and labour could be saved thus results in increasing productivity and lowering production costs. Also, if it is applied in industry at state-level then there will be rationalization in consumption in circulation as in purchase of raw materials, sales of products, purchase of products by consumers and contribute in improving compatibility and fair transactions. This paper is aimed to help in first solving factors affecting the most in improving logistic efficiency among unit load system and logistic hollowization, standardizing logistics base, standardizing logistics information. The study conducted surveys on limited companies but hope that in the future the target companies can be divided further into types, industries and conduct more demonstrative analysis.



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