석조문화재 오염물 제거 방안의 표준화 수립 및 가치정립 I -설문조사의 통계를 중심으로-

Formation of Standardization and Valuation of Decontamination for Stone Culture Heritage I -Based on the Questionnaire-


It is very difficult to attain stable and satisfactory result satisfaction from newly developed materials and methodologies for conservation of cultural properties. In order for an effective conservation method, it is necessary that the manual for application of the proper materials and its methodology should be set up. However, stone conservation value must be established in advance of the manual, because the philosophical concepts and the technical methodology are not standardized. In this study, therefore, the conservators' opinion about the conservation for stone artifacts was collected. The opinions were based on the questionnaire about cleaning of surface contamination on masonry, and hereafter those will be referred to the conservation method about stone artifacts.
