한의학 고문헌 분석을 통한 무궁화의 약용부위와 기대효능 연구

Study on the Medicinal Parts and Expected Efficacys of the Hibiscus syriacus by Literature Review on the Classics of Oriental Medicine

  • 발행 : 2007.08.30


Hibiscus syriacus is rarely used herb. For finding up new applications of this herb, the medicinal parts and expected efficacys that recorded in 24 classics of oriental medicine were inquired. As a result of the literature review, medicinal parts and expected efficacys of Hibiscus syriacus were as follows: The medicinal parts were mainly flower and bark. But the root, branch, leaf and fruit were mentioned too. Some unidentified medicinal parts seemed to be branch or bark. The mentioned symptoms that prescribed Hibiscus syriacus are intestinal 'wind', red-white dysentery, thirst with fever after dysentery, insomnia, 'wind' syndrom, leukorrhea, regurgitation, etc. And this herb was mentioned that applied externally for scabies, hemorrhoids, prolapse of the rectum, headache, extracted tooth, etc. Therefore, bleeding intestinal diseases, insomnia, vaginal or uterine hemorrhage(for internal use), scabies or mycosis, hemorrhoids. anal fistula, prolapse of the rectum, headache(for external use) were presented as expected efficacys of Hibiscus syriacus. In future, studies for verifying the efficacys are needed.
