건강 관련 전공 대학생의 지방에 대한 영양 지식과 실천도

The Health Related Major College Students' Nutrition Knowledge and Practices toward Dietary Fat

  • 원향례 (상지대학교 보건과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


This study examined students' nutritional knowledge on fat, the quantity of fat in food, and their dietary practices with regard to fat. The subjects were junior & senior students majoring in food and nutrition(n=188), Korean Oriental medicine(n=236), and physical education(n=13), respectively. The score for nutritional knowledge of fat was $8.48{\pm}0.15$ for food & nutrition majors, $6.73{\pm}0.14$ for Korean Oriental majors, and $4.97{\pm}0.72$ for physical education majors, with significant differences between groups(p<0.0l). The correct answer percentages were 65%, 52%, and 38% respectively, out of a total 13 items, and significant differences were observed between the majors. The score for knowledge on the quantity of fat in food was $5.40{\pm}01.3$ for food & nutrition majors, $5.40{\pm}0.10$ for Korean Oriental medicine majors, and $4.53{\pm}0.15$ for physical education majors, with significant differences between the groups. The correct answer percentages were 60%, 60%, and 50% respectively. The number of correct answers was significantly different in 7 out of a total of 9 food items depending on major. For dietary practices regarding fat there were significant differences in 10 out of a total of 12 items depending on major. The total scores were $34.02{\pm}0.45$, $33.04{\pm}0.44$, and $31.19{\pm}0.72$, respectively, showing no significant differences between the groups. Regarding the scores on nutritional knowledge about fat, the students majoring in food & nutrition received the highest scores, and on knowledge about the quantity of fat in food, students majoring in food & nutrition and Korean Oriental medicine attained higher scares than the students majoring in physical education. However, there were no significant differences between the groups regarding their dietary practices toward fat.



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