비만변증 설문지에 대한 신뢰도 분석

A reliability analysis of syndrome differentiation questionnaire for obesity

  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


The high position condition 10 escape which the obesity person appeals. Obesity Pattern-Identification question it will yell and 243 subjects which to the obesity in the patient of 517 subjects which draw up correspond. (longitude obesity 153 person, altitude obesity 90 person) against it analyzes. In order to analyze the reliability of the items which diagnose each Pattern-Identification it used Cronbach alpha coefficient and escape it did the alpha of each item. Alpha value of each Pattern-Identification than appears more highly the item which it will be able to consider an elimination in the item which decreases a reliability. In that phlegm-retention syndrome is bigger alpha coefficient 0.784 than 'meal quantity is few'(0.787) a possibility of seeing in the item which decreases a reliability to the place where it diagnoses it puts in phlegm-retention syndrome.
