The Journal of Korean Medicine (대한한의학회지)
- Volume 28 Issue 2 Serial No. 70
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- Pages.22-33
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- 2007
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- 1010-0695(pISSN)
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- 2288-3339(eISSN)
Study on Association of DSOM Items for Uterine Myoma in Oriental Medicine -Control Group: Outpatient and Clinical Trials Data -
자궁근종 여부에 대한 DSOM 항목의 연관성분석 - 대조군 : 한방부인과 외래환자와 임상시험 피시험자 -
Kim, Jong-Won
(Dept. of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
- Kim, Kyu-Kon (Dept. of Data Information Science, Dongeui University) ;
Lee, In-Sun
(Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
- Published : 2007.06.30
Uterine myoma is a benign tumor of smooth muscle in the uterine wall. Recently, in Oriental medicine, concerns about uterine myoma patients have increased. We analyzed the medical records for 944 patients, including 257 uterine myoma patients, who visited Dongeui University Oriental Medical Center from May 2001 to June 2006. We investigated the DSOM (Diagnosis System of Oriental Medicine) symptom scores which effect uterine myoma patients using stepwise logistic regression model. Logistic regression analysis indicated as follows: In the control group composed of 558 outpatients, 18 items of DSOM were associated with myoma, 9 positively and 9 negatively, and the results showed that the correct rate was equal to 81.1%, sensitivity 72.8%, and specificity 84.9%. In 129 clinical trials data, 33 items of DSOM were associated with myoma, 18 positively and 15 negatively, and the results showed that the correct rate was equal to 85.8%, sensitivity 84.8%, and specificity 87.6%. In 687 outpatient and clinical trials data, 18 items of DSOM were associated with myoma, 10 positively and 8 negatively, and the results showed that the correct rate was equal to 82.8%, sensitivity 70.8%, and specificity 87.3%.