아미노산 이화작용에 의한 치즈 풍미 생성

Formation of Cheese Flavor Compounds by Amino Acid Catabolism

  • Lee, Won-Jae (Division of Applied Life Science, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


Catabolism of amino acids, including sulfur-containing amino acids, can be responsible for the development of cheese flavor during ripening Since accelerating, intensifying, modulating cheese flavor development is of major economical interests, the identification of flavor compounds and enzymes contributing to cheese flavor development needs to be investigated. Generally, two different pathways, which are a transamination pathway catalyzed by aminotransferases and an elimination reaction catalyzed by lyases, potentially lead to conversion of amino acids into flavor compounds. In this review, enzymes and amino acid catabolic pathways responsible for cheese flavor formation will be discussed.
