Korean Security Journal (시큐리티연구)
- Issue 13
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- Pages.47-70
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- 2007
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- 2671-4299(pISSN)
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- 2714-0644(eISSN)
A Study of the Summary Trial System's Reform Measures
현행 즉결심판제도의 개선방안 연구
The criminal procedure is based upon two ideal values, or 'speedy trial and economy of litigation' and 'finding truth and guarantee of human rights', which are conflicting each other. The so called summary trial system, a simplified procedure through which a judge handles clearly obvious and minor offences in a quick and efficient manner, has its essential purpose of termination lawsuits promptly and freeing suspects or defendants from criminal procedure at the earliest possible moment. But its excessive emphasis on this purport is very likely to result in insufficient examination and inadequate protection of suspects' or defendants' rights. Therefore, the summary trial system needs a variety of safeguards to prevent these feasible - but undesirable - effects. From this point of view, we should objectively review the current summary trial system. The main object of this study is to investigate what problems the system has both in institution and in practice, and to suggest legal measures, including the abolition of it, to improve the simplified procedure. In conclusion, the summary trial system should be maintained because it has still more merits than faults. And these defects will be able to be overcome by reform measures ; for example, the introduction of the right to opt between the summary procedure and the formal trial, the abolition of detention and so on.
형사소송절차는 ‘신속한 재판 및 소송경제’ 와 ‘실체진실발견 및 인권보장’을 주요한 목적 이념으로 하고 있으며, 이들 두 가지 가치는 서로 갈등관계에 있다. 즉결심판제도는 판사가 범증이 명백하고 죄질이 경미한 범죄를 신속