Stochastic Optimal Control and Network Co-Design for Networked Control Systems

  • Ji, Kun (Siemens Technology to Business Center) ;
  • Kim, Won-Jong (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


In this paper, we develop a co-design methodology of stochastic optimal controllers and network parameters that optimizes the overall quality of control (QoC) in networked control systems (NCSs). A new dynamic model for NCSs is provided. The relationship between the system stability and performance and the sampling frequency is investigated, and the analysis of co-design of control and network parameters is presented to determine the working range of the sampling frequency in an NCS. This optimal sampling frequency range is derived based on the system dynamics and the network characteristics such as data rate, time-delay upper bound, data-packet size, and device processing time. With the optimal sampling frequency, stochastic optimal controllers are designed to improve the overall QoC in an NCS. This co-design methodology is a useful rule of thumb to choose the network and control parameters for NCS implementation. The feasibility and effectiveness of this co-design methodology is verified experimentally by our NCS test bed, a ball magnetic-levitation (maglev) system.



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