MALSORI (대한음성학회지:말소리)
- Issue 63
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- Pages.125-137
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- 2007
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- 1226-1173(pISSN)
Noise Robust Speaker Verification Using Subband-Based Reliable Feature Selection
신뢰성 높은 서브밴드 특징벡터 선택을 이용한 잡음에 강인한 화자검증
- Kim, Sung-Tak (ICU) ;
- Ji, Mi-Kyong (ICU) ;
- Kim, Hoi-Rin (ICU)
- Published : 2007.09.30
Recently, many techniques have been proposed to improve the noise robustness for speaker verification. In this paper, we consider the feature recombination technique in multi-band approach. In the conventional feature recombination for speaker verification, to compute the likelihoods of speaker models or universal background model, whole feature components are used. This computation method is not effective in a view point of multi-band approach. To deal with non-effectiveness of the conventional feature recombination technique, we introduce a subband likelihood computation, and propose a modified feature recombination using subband likelihoods. In decision step of speaker verification system in noise environments, a few very low likelihood scores of a speaker model or universal background model cause speaker verification system to make wrong decision. To overcome this problem, a reliable feature selection method is proposed. The low likelihood scores of unreliable feature are substituted by likelihood scores of the adaptive noise model. In here, this adaptive noise model is estimated by maximum a posteriori adaptation technique using noise features directly obtained from noisy test speech. The proposed method using subband-based reliable feature selection obtains better performance than conventional feature recombination system. The error reduction rate is more than 31 % compared with the feature recombination-based speaker verification system.
- Speaker verification;
- Feature recombination;
- Subband likelihood;
- Modified feature recombination;
- Reliable feature selection