한부모가족의 적응 - 가족탄력성의 완충효과

Adjustment of Single Parent Family - The Buffering Effect of Family Resilience

  • 현은민 (안동대학교 생활환경복지학과)
  • Hyun, Eun-Min (Dept. of Family Environment & Welfare, Andong Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


This study explored the buffering effect of family resilience between family stress and adjustment of single parent family based on family resilience approach. Results of the study were as followed: First, single parents who had a lower level of family stress and a higher lever of family resilience reported a higher level of family adjustment. Second, family stress especially economic stress and relational stress influenced negatively on adjustment of single parent family. Family belief system, organizational pattern and communication processes of the three sub-factors of family resilience influenced positively on family adjustment. However the sub-factors of family resilience had more powerful effects than family stress. Third, family belief system, organizational pattern and communication processes of the three sub-factors of family resilience had a moderating effect between family adjustment and psychological stress and between family adjustment and relational stress. Especially the three sub-factors of family resilience had a buffering effect between family adjustment and relational stress. The results of this study had important implication for theory, research, and practice. The study showed that adjustment of single parent family could be significantly explained by family resilience rather than family stress. Accordingly strength perspective-based intervention focused on family resilience would be more effective than deficit perspective-based intervention based on family stress.



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