The Processing Optimization of Caviar Analogs Encapsulated by Calcium-Alginate Gel Membranes

  • Published : 2007.08.31


We prepared caviar analogs encapsulated by calcium-alginate gel membranes as a means to replace higher priced natural caviars. Processing the caviar analogs (beluga type) was optimized by response surface methodology with central composite design. Concentrations of sodium alginate ($X_1$) and $CaCl_2\;(X_2)$ were chosen as the independent variables. In order to compare characteristics of the caviar analogs with the natural caviar, sphericity ($Y_1$), diameter ($Y_2$), membrane thickness ($Y_3$), rupture strength ($Y_4$), rupturing deformation ($Y_5$), and sensory score ($Y_6$) were used as the dependent variables. The sphericity of the caviar analogs showed a similar value to that of natural caviar (over 94%) in the range of independent variables. Generally, the $CaCl_2$ concentration ($X_2$) affected all dependent variables to a greater extent than the sodium alginate concentration ($X_l$), For the multiple response optimization of the 5 dependent variables ($Y_1,\;Y_2,\;Y_4,\;Y_5$, and $Y_6$), the desirability function was defined as the following conditions: target values ($Y_1\;=\;100%,\;Y_2\;=\;3.0\;mm,\;Y_4\;=\;1,470\;g,\;Y_5\;=\;1.1\;mm,\;and\;Y_6\;=\;10\;points$). Membrane thickness ($Y_3$) was eliminated from the dependent variables for multiple response optimization because it could not be measured with an image analyzer. The values of the independent variables as evaluated by multiple response optimization were $X_1\;=\;-0.093$ (78%) and $X_2\;=\;-0.322$ (1.07%), respectively.



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