부산 지역 미세먼지 농도의 시간변동 특성 및 기상인자 분석을 통한 먼지생성 해석

Characteristics of Time Variations of PM10 Concentrations in Busan and Interpreting Its Generation Mechanism Using Meteorological Variables

  • 김지아 (부산대학교 지구환경시스템학부 대기환경과학) ;
  • 진형아 (환경부 낙동강유역환경청 대기분석과) ;
  • 김철희 (부산대학교 지구환경시스템학부 대기환경과학)
  • Kim, Ji-A (Division of Earth Environmental System, Atmospheric Science Major, Pusan National University) ;
  • Jin, Hyung-Ah (Nakdong River Basin Environmental Office) ;
  • Kim, Cheol-Hee (Division of Earth Environmental System, Atmospheric Science Major, Pusan National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


In an effort to interpret the characteristics of fine particle concentrations in Busan, time variations of hourly monitored concentrations $PM_{10}$ (Particulate Matter with aerodynamic Diameter ${\le}10\;{\mu}m$) in Busan are analyzed for the period from 2000 to 2005. The characteristics of aerosol second generation formation process is also interpreted qualitatively, by using the statistical analysis of the meteorological variables including temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity. The result shows some significant annual, seasonal, weekly and diurnal variations of $PM_{10}$ concentrations. In particular, seasonal(i.e., spring) variations are governed by frequency of yellow sand events even for the non-yellow sand cases where yellow-sand days are eliminated in our analysis. However, in seasonal variation, summer season predominate lower $PM_{10}$ concentrations due to the frequent precipitation, and weekly and diurnal variations are both found to be reflecting the emission rate from traffic amount. Correlation coefficients between $PM_{10}$ concentration and meterological variables for non-yellow sand days show overall negative correlation with visibility, wind speed, cloud amounts, and relative humidity. However for non-precipitation days, during non-yellow sand period positive correlation are found clearly with relative humidity, suggesting the importance of secondary aerosol formation in Busan that can be achieved by both homogeneous aerosol formation and heterogeneous transformations resulting from hygroscopic aerosol characteristics.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Measurement and Interpretation of Time Variations of Particulate Matter Observed in the Busan Coastal Area in Korea vol.5, pp.2, 2011,
  2. Estimation of PM10 source locations in Busan using PSCF model vol.24, pp.6, 2015,
  3. and Meteorological Data in Pohang, a Steel-Industrial City vol.32, pp.3, 2016,