손가락 누르기 속력에 따른 Enslaving 효과

Enslaving Effects on Finger Pressing Speed

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


This study was to investigate the effects of enslaving on finger-tip force of other fingers on finger pressing speed. We hypothesized that the effects depend on finger pressing speed, and the fingers proximity and are larger for fingers that are closer to each other. Six healthy, right-handed subjects(age: $27.1{\pm}4.3yr$, height: $175.4{\pm}7.2cm$, weight $71.3{\pm}5.8kg$) participated in the experiment. Each finger showed no significant on task finger speed. In the tasks with two neighboring fingers (e.g. middle and ring finger tasks), the index and middle fingers showed larger forces than the other neighboring fingers. During the index and little finger tasks, the enslaving force magnitude decreased with distance to the task finger (i.e. index finger enslaving force was the smallest during the little finger task).



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