겔-타입 인솔이 무릎 골관절염 환자의 보행에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Gel-type Insole on Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis during Gait

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the biomechanical effects of wearing different type of insole shoes on gait characteristics in patients with knee osteoarthritis. Seven patients with knee osteoarthritis (Grade 3 & 4 by Kellgren & Lawrence) were participated in the study. They wore two different type of shoes (with Gel-type Insole: GIS, with Normal insole: NIS) during gait. Three dimensional cinematography and Ground Reaction Force(GRF) data were used to get the maximal value of horizontal distance between the center of pressure in GRF and knee joint center, GRF in mediolateral direction, peak value of GRF in frontal plane, vertical compressive force and adduction moment in knee joint. The results were as follows: The maximal value of horizontal distance between the center of pressure in GRF and knee joint center was smaller in GIS than NIS. The peak value of GRF in mediolateral direction was found in 30% of gait cycle, five subjects wearing GIS showed lower value of peak GRF in mediolateral direction than wearing NIS. The peak value of GRF in frontal plane and vertical compressive force in knee joint did not show any difference between GIS and NIS. The adduction moment in GIS decreased in the late stance of gait and the mean value of the adduction moment in GIS smaller than that in NIS. GIS may help to move quickly knee joint center to the center of pressure in GRF, therefore it may prevent increasing the adduction moment in knee joint.



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