보행 시 지지 기반 급변에 대한 하지 근신경의 반응

Leg Muscle Activity from the Perturbation of the Support during Gait

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


This study's purpose is to investigate the effects on leg muscle activity caused by perturbation, using a trapdoor system during the support phase of gait for healthy adults (n = 6, height $177.5{\pm}5.5cm$, weight $81.0{\pm}9.5kg$, age $30.0{\pm}3.3yrs$). The trapdoor had the functional ability of causing inversion or eversion. The release time for the trapdoor was specified for two times, 0.3 and 0.5 seconds after heel contact. While altering these variables, EMG was recorded for the leg muscles (rectus femoris, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius, soleus). The following conclusions were derived. The steptime was longer for the 0.5s eversion than 0.3s inversion condition. So in order to regain stability after the perturbation the unsupporting leg reached forward rapidly. This quick reflex can be observed through the center of pressure (COP) and its rapid change in direction. The gastrocnemius was activated throughout the total experiment. There was a low amount of activity recorded in the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and tibialis anterior except for the condition of inversion 0.3s. For most of the conditions, the highest average EMG peak values were recorded during the condition of inversion 0.3s. The iEMG patterns were similar for the conditions of inversion 0.3s and eversion 0.3s. To cope with the rapid change in these conditions, the biceps femoris was activated. During the experiment except for the condition of normal gait, the activity of the soleus and gastrocnemius was relatively high. Therefore, to prevent injury from perturbation of the lower leg strengthening of the soleus and gastrocnemius is required. Likewise to prevent injury to the thigh strengthening for the biceps femoris.



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