The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between the segments of the body and to qualitatively analyze coordination pattern of joints and segments during Sweep Shot movement in Ice Hockey, by utilizing coordination variables was angle vs. angle plots. By the utilization the three dimensional anatomical angle cinematography, the angles of individual joint and segment according to sweep shot in ice hockey. The subjects of this study were five professional ice hockey players. The reflective makers were attached on anatomical boundary line of body. For the movement analysis three dimensional cinematographical method(APAS) was used and for the calculation of the kinematic variables a self developed program was used with the LabVIEW 6.1 graphical programming(Johnson, 1999) program. By using Eular's equations the three dimensional anatomical Cardan angles of the joint and ice hockey stick were defined. The three dimensional anatomical angular displacement and coordination pattern of trunk and Upper limb(shoulder-elbow, elbow-wrist linked system) showed important role of sweep shot in ice hockey. As the result of this paper, for the successful movement of sweep shot in ice hockey, it is most important role of coordination pattern of trunk-shoulder, shoulder-elbow and elbow-wrist. specially turnk movememt as a proximal segment. Coordination pattern of Upper Limb(upperarm-forearm-hand) of Sweep Shot movement in Ice Hockey that utilizes coordination variables seems to be one of useful research direction to understand basic control mechanisms of Ice hockey sweep shooting linked system skill. this study result showed flexion-extension, adduction-abduction and internal-external rotation of trunk are important role of power and shooting direction coordination pattern of upper Limb of Sweep Shot movement in Ice Hockey.